Karen Waltermire

Karen Waltermire

New work – ink drawings

I really get lost when I am creating faces…I try to let my mind empty and see where my pen goes as it glides over the paper.  When I am creating, I think of the phrase “the eyes are the windows to the soul.”  The eyes are a good indicator of how we are feeling and what we might be thinking, so I start there.  I love exaggerating facial features, adding what doesn’t belong and even leaving out a feature or two.  For these drawings, I used gel pens that I bought at the Dollar Store and CVS.  They are on the same level as Micron or Tombow but are fun to draw with and it is nice to use regular pens to draw with.  I like the colors and the gel moves on the paper easily.  One day I will buy some metallic pens to mix with these.   Each drawing is playful and happy.  My work, whether it be a painting or a drawing, is an exploration, a way to figure out how to improve or change.  Sometimes, like today, I am exploring and experimenting to see what happens.  Enjoy the ride!



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